Thursday, August 1, 2013

Welcome our new members of the Glasgow Community!

With the new year approaching, we'd like to send a warm welcome to our new members of the Glasgow Community!

We'd like to send a big "Hello!" to our incoming 6th graders and their families, our new Principal - Penny Gros, and to our following new staff members:

Teacher Name              -         Subject Area Taught:
Blair Kersh
Lyndsey Brown               -  Language Arts A (English)
Matthew Griep                -  Health & Physical Education (7th Grade)
Jason Kagarise                -  Health & Physical Education (6th Grade)
Carol Clark                     -  Special Education Teacher
Liz Frank                         -
Michelle Johnson             -  Language Arts B (World Language - French)
Marianne Tagge               -  Music Teacher
Peter Bianchetta               -  Science Teacher
Celia Reyes-Smith            - Science (Biology) Teacher
William Thurston               -  Instructional Assistant
Katherine Hedrick            - Language Arts A (English)
Sophia Wells-Williams      - Language Arts A (English)
Bounyakone Souvannamethy - Special Education
Maya Pick                        -  Special Education
Jenni Pollock                     - ESOL Teacher
Laura Benevento               - Health & Physical Education Teacher (6th Grade)
Nicole Zenker                   - Health & Physical Education Teacher (7th Grade)
Rachel Castonguay            - Language Arts A (English)
Bob Elkins                         -  Instructional Assistant
Jesse Horton                      -   Special Education
Victoria Mason                  -  Science Teacher
Allison Patterson                -  Language Arts A (English)
Adrianna Riccio                  -  Reading Specialist
Allison Davis                      -  Language Arts A (English)
Luke Hardy                        -  Special Education

New Counselors:
Counselor Name:
Jenna Moser
Marie Danosos


We'd also like to send well wishes to those teachers/staff members who have left Glasgow, but will always be a part of the Glasgow Family.

Maggie Prusaczyk  -  Health & Physical Education
Christy Crowley - Language Arts A (English)
Shari Winston - Counselor
Kylie Foster (Petty) - Counselor
Lucy Shepley - Language Arts B (World Language - French)
Sebastian Arze - Parent Liason (Spanish)
Violet Durfee - Language Arts A (English)
Rebecca Saxena - Mathematics
Tangee Brown
David Sargent - Science/Biology
Stephanie Barrus
Amy Wheeler - Reading Specialist
Elisa Hull - Language Arts A (English)
Kevin Williams - Science
Neena Engman
Eric Blomquist  - Instructional Coach
Jim Oliver  - Interim Principal
Leslie Enright - Mathematics
Rocio Velasquez - Science
Belinda Kim - Health & Physical Education
Janice Pritchett - Health & Physical Education
LaRon Washington - Language Arts A (English)
Carrie Cleary - Language Arts A (English)

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