Thursday, July 17, 2014

Looking for The School Supply List? Find out here!

Here are the Steps to finding the School Supplies List (which also has a printable version)
STEP 1: Move mouse over "Student Essentials" tab (3 side tabs will open)
STEP 2: Highlight "School Supplies" with computer mouse arrow
STEP 3: Click "School Supplies" tab
STEP 4: "School Supplies will load!

If you have any further questions, please contact the web curator at:


Wednesday, July 16, 2014


With the new year approaching, we'd like to send a warm welcome to our new members of the Glasgow Community!

We'd like to send a big "Hello!" to our incoming 6th graders and their families, our new Principal - Penny Gros, and to our following new staff members:

Teacher Name              -         Subject Area Taught:

George Bennett               Theatre Arts
Anna Brown                    Mathematics
Jenny Champange            Language And Literature
Anna Dee                        Visual Arts
Ann Ellen                         Health & Physical Education
Tara Filmyer                   School Counselor
Johna Kesten                  Chorus
Ella Kim                          Mathematics
Susan Labarca                Public School Health Aide (Clinic)
Ed McDonald                   Mathematics
Jeniva Miller                   Literacy Coach
Nicole Morabito              Mathematics
Jennie Peterson              Sciences
Juliana Smith                  Language And Literature
Dan Zachary                   Instructional Assistant

New Counselors:
Counselor Name:
Tara Filmyer


We'd also like to send well wishes to those teachers/staff members who have left Glasgow, but will always be a part of the Glasgow Family.

Teacher                                   Subject
Hilary Woznica                        Visual Arts
Tomas Ovalle                           Health & Physical Education
Rebecca Melfi                          Health & Physical Education
Momodu Koroma                     Mathematics
Cyndi Lehosit                           School Counselor
Lynette Blacksten                     Band 
Katie Burke                              Chorus
Marianne Tagge                       Guitar
Craig Ferraro                          Mathematics
Brandi Johnson                        Science
Eric Assur                                Safety and Security
John Baranowski                     Mathematics
Beth DeMarco                          Theatre Arts
Dana Downey                           Instructional Assistant
Craig Ferraro                          Mathematics
Gus Guthrie                              Visual Arts
Blair Kersh                               Learning Diversity
Cyndi Lehosit                           School Counselor
Betsy Linsenmayer-Morse
Tori Mason                               Science
Tessa Metayer                          Language and Literature
Shelby Morris                            Science
Kathy Norrie
Jenni Pollock                            ESOL
Gabi Ricaurte                           Mathematics
Kristy Ritchie                           Science
Erin Ruane                               Instructional Assistant
Kelly Toepfer                           Language and Literature
Erin Walter-Lerman                  Instructional Assistant
Bev Wellington                         Public School Health Aide (Nurse)
Danielle Williams                      Head Librarian