Thursday, October 8, 2015

Syrian Refugee Service

Faculty and Parents Help Needed for the Syria Refugee Crisis

The crisis in Syria has reached its fourth year and the humanitarian needs are greater than ever.  Most of the population has been affected by the violence as a result of the civil war, and it has taken a tremendous toll on families who have been forced to move to other countries. 
Our Glasgow community will be helping out by collecting the following travel size items:
Faculty and parents can help by reminding students to bring in the following items until October 20, 2015.
·        Baby wipes
·        Baby powder
·        Soap
·        Deodorant
·        Individual packs of Kleenex
·        Snack bars
·        Body spray
·        Socks
·        Sanitary napkins
·        Juice boxes
·        Small pieces of individually wrapped candy (no chocolate)
·        Packs of crayons
·        Mechanical pencils
·        Gloves
·        Coloring books
·        Deck of cards
·        Stickers
·        Composition Notebooks
·        Inexpensive drawstring backpacks

Faculty and parents can also help by bringing in the following items:
  • ·        Rain Ponchos
  • ·        Advil/Tylenol
  • ·        Razor
  • ·        Antiseptic cream or spray
  • ·        Inexpensive draw straw string backpacks
  • ·        Tennis shoes
  • ·        Life jackets
  • ·        Knit hats
  • ·        Perfume/Cologne
  • ·        Emergency Foil Blankets

Please bring in whatever you have to the main office by October 20th.

Girls Excelling in Math and Science Workshop