Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Information About Registration

Parents and Students:

Glasgow’s registration window opens on February 17th

Counselors will meet individually with students through Health and PE classes to begin the process of selecting classes for next school year. 

We will begin with rising 7th graders, transition to rising 9th graders, and conclude with rising 8th graders (rising 6th grade students will register at their elementary school). We anticipate completing the registration process no later than March 25th. You child will then bring home a list of the courses they have selected on March 27th. We ask that you review these courses, make any changes you feel appropriate, sign, and return the form to your child’s counselor by April 3rd.

If you have any questions, please contact your child’s counselor.  

To learn more about the registration, please click here.

Thank You,

-Glasgow Middle School Student Services

Monday, February 3, 2014

7th & 8th Grade FLE (Family Life Education) Information

Our PE department will begin our Family Life Education (FLE) units for our 7th and 8th grade students over the next few weeks. 

Seventh grade students will begin FLE on January 21 and Eigth grade students will begin FLE on February 17. 

All students receive FLE instruction unless parents choose to opt their children out of this FCPS-required unit. Parents who wish to opt their children out of this instruction should visit the following link ( to access the opt-out forms for both seventh and eighth graders. 

Opt-out forms will be accessible on our website as well  (below). 

Forms must be returned to the PE teachers no later than the day before the FLE units begin.

                                                      FLE OPT-OUT FORM
If you do not want your child to participate in FLE lessons then you need to complete the opt-out form and return it to the student’s teacher.  

Sixth grade opt-out forms can be accessed here:

Forms are available in Arabic, English, Farsi, Korean, Spanish, Urdu, and Vietnamese. 

7th grade and 8th grade FLE opt-out announcements will follow prior to the beginning of their instruction.  Please check back for details.

Assessment Information At Glasgow Middle School

Glasgow Community,

Have you wondered how your child (or how you yourself) is graded here at Glasgow?  Would you like to know what makes up the grading process and how grades are figured out?

The IBMYP Assessment information (which covers grading procedures and more about the IB Assessment) can be found on the Glasgow Webpage under the "IB Middle Years Programme" tab and then under the link for "Assessment at Glasgow."  We have included an English and a Spanish version of the presentation.  

This is the presentation we provided at Parent Night this year, and it will always be located in this section of the site.  We will continuously be keeping the Website up-to-date.

You will also get to learn about the words that are associated with IBMYP; see what an example of a progress report looks like, and more.  Please take a look.

If you have any questions regarding the IB Programme, please contact the IB Coordinator, Nonye Oladimeji, at .

If you have any questions regarding the website, please contact the website curator (and Health & Physical Education Teacher), Tim Stuecheli at .

Thank You,

-Glasgow Middle School